Make the Most of UT Benefits

George Pharr George Pharr has utilized his employee benefits since he began working for the University of Tennessee in 1998. He was able to use development leave, a benefit offered to UT faculty. Pharr, professor and head of the Department of Material Sciences and Engineering at UT Knoxville, was already familiar with this benefit before … Continued


Make the Most of UT Benefits

Susan Murphy As a 30-year University of Tennessee employee, Susan Murphy knows a lot about employee benefits. Murphy, who currently works for the UT Space Institute, has always felt UT provided great insurance benefits to employees. After discovering her benefits for prescribed medications had been changed, Murphy began purchasing the generic forms of the medications. … Continued


Make the Most of UT Benefits

Elaine Morrisey After taking advantage of an employee benefit, Elaine Morrisey, of the Institute for Public Service, gained a new outlook on life. Morrisey decided to obtain a Certified Professional Secretary Certification, a benefit put in place by the University of Tennessee for secretaries and administrative assistants to increase their knowledge. Attending the classes and … Continued


Make the Most of UT Benefits

Steven Hood In his seven-year career at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, Steven Hood has learned to take advantage of and to appreciate his employee benefits. By using the tuition waiver, Hood, the assistant vice chancellor for student housing, received a doctorate degree as an employee. Hood knew that his advancement options would be … Continued


Make the Most of UT Benefits

Janie Hall University of Tennessee Health Science Center employee Janie Hall thinks UT’s employee benefits are unbeatable. Hall’s husband needed a liver transplant and required extensive hospitalization before and after the procedure. In the face of this stressful situation, Hall was able to use her sick leave to take time off from work to be … Continued


Make the Most of UT Benefits

Elizabeth Davis After Elizabeth Davis gave birth to a baby girl in June, she had no stress about her job while she stayed at home on maternity leave. Davis, media relations coordinator for the UT System, started maternity leave before her daughter, Meg, was born. Davis was able to use the annual leave and sick … Continued


Make the Most of UT Benefits

Debbie Williams-Boyd Debbie Williams-Boyd has worked for UT Martin for 30 years and fully appreciates the benefits that she receives as an employee. Williams-Boyd, a senior audit clerk in UT Martin’s Business Affairs Office, has used the Educational Assistance (Student Fee Discount) for Spouses and Children benefit to help her children. All three of her … Continued


Make the Most of UT Benefits

Beth Avery Dr. Beth Avery, who is entering her fifth year at the UT Knoxville, took advantage of the Faculty Modified Duties Assignment benefit. This benefit allows primary caregivers to take one semester of paid leave, which Avery took last fall following the birth of her baby in the summer. Having this benefit has made … Continued
