Let’s Talk About Our Workplace

Thank you to the 7,200 faculty and staff who shared feedback about our workplace and work culture in November 2014 through the statewide employee engagement survey. Results are in and summaries of findings specific to each campus and institute were shared through open forums held in March. Hopefully, you were able to attend. Among statewide … Continued


Understanding Diversity and Valuing Our Differences

“In order for everyone to thrive, we need to ensure people feel safe, comfortable and welcome and are able to concentrate on their work rather than worrying about oppression,” explained Joe Miles during his presentation to attendees of UT’s first,University-wide diversity summit. More than 140 faculty and staff from every UT campus and institute attended … Continued


Introducing New Leadership Institute Alumni

Congratulations to the 50 faculty and staff who graduated in February from UT’s Leadership Institute, a week-long training program offered every other year and designed to recognize and develop leaders within the University. Formed in 1981, the institute has graduated more than 900 participants and has a lengthy list of accomplished alumni from across the … Continued


New Self-Service Feature for TCRS Retirement Plan Members

Minnesota Life now offers free travel assistance, legacy planning and beneficiary financial counseling services to employees—and their spouses and dependents—covered under the state of Tennessee’s group life insurance plan. All services are optional and available at no additional cost. Be sure to familiarize yourself with the services and include the information with your important personal … Continued


5 Ways to Promote Civility in the Workplace

By UT System Administration Office of Employee and Organizational Development Being uncivil can happen without us even recognizing it—an overlooked email, missed meeting or forgotten acknowledgment.  These lapses may seem innocent and often justifiable, but when repeated, can translate to a lack of respect for others and lead to real problems. Demonstrating civility means showing … Continued


Getting Involved Leads to Many Opportunities

For some employees, representative groups are more than just a resource, they are an opportunity to get involved and give back. “I feel that it’s a privilege and an honor to represent UT Martin employees and make their voices heard, because I want UT Martin to be known as the campus that cares,” said Debbie … Continued


The Employee Representative Motto: Power in Numbers

Across the state, employee representative groups are working together to resolve complicated issues. Discussion among employee representatives at UT Knoxville revealed that many employees did not know what to do in case of an accident or wreck in a UT vehicle. They approached Motor Pool about including instructions in all vehicles. The idea was a … Continued


Employee Representatives Serve to Speak Up and Advocate

While listening may be where change starts, discussing issues with other representatives and administrators is where change occurs. “When we come together as a group, we can bring visibility to issues as well as solutions that other departments may have already come up with and share those,” said Dianne Trent, a member of the Knoxville-Area … Continued


Change Starts With Listening

Whether it’s an issue about pay or safety, employee representatives are always ready to listen. “We’re a voice for the employees,” said Valerah Hodges, chair of UT Chattanooga’s Employee Relations Committee. “They trust us, and so employees may come to us privately or as a group with an issue.” Representatives often find that administrators are … Continued
