UTIA Establishes New School of Natural Resources

By Beth Hall Davis The first values listed in the Be One UT values are Bold and Impactful. No two words better describe the recent launch of the School of Natural Resources at the University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture (UTIA). This most recent development converts the Department of Forestry, Wildlife and Fisheries into UTIA’s … Continued


IPS’ Economic Impact

By Susan Robertson When representing the UT value of Bold and Impactful, the Institute for Public Service (IPS) meets its mark, having averaged more than $1.4 billion in customer-reported economic impact during the past seven years; and reporting a record-setting $1.9 billion in economic impact in fiscal year 2022. Much of the impact is a … Continued


Why Stay at the UT System?

As the Great Resignation continues, it is paving the way for a new term: the “Great Regret.” Employees who impulsively left their current jobs to pursue new roles at different companies have come to regret their transitions.


The Power of Change

Change comes in many different shapes and sizes. While it is easier to embrace small changes every day, big changes leave us hesitant to take the plunge and fully embrace a new way of living.


The Addenda

UT Martin’s weekly newsletter, Addenda, has been communicating to more than 800 employees for more than 30 years.
