Why Stay at the UT System?

Category: Features

In May 2021, Texas A&M University Management Professor Anthony Klotz coined the phrase the “Great Resignation.” As the Great Resignation continues, it is paving the way for a new term: the “Great Regret.” Employees who impulsively left their current jobs to pursue new roles at different companies have come to regret their transitions.

According to a survey by Joblist, an artificial intelligence job-search platform, approximately 26% of people who quit their jobs during what was dubbed the Great Resignation already regret it. Additionally, 42% of people who found a new job after quitting said the new positions did not live up to their expectations.

Some employees who switched jobs also stated that they missed their previous colleagues and the connections formed. Experiencing a new environment where employees cannot form the same types of relationships causes them to rethink their jobs and start looking for new ones.

To put it simply, the grass is not always greener in a new work environment.

As an employee of the UT System, which recently earned The Great Place to Work Certification™ and offers an extensive benefits package, it is easy to avoid the “Great Regret.” From comprehensive health insurance to retirement and paid time off, there are dozens of services to support employee health and happiness. Here are a few:

Full-time employees can enroll in a variety of insurance plans including health, dental and life, and are also offered insurance options for flexible benefits and retirement. Furthermore, in addition to accruing yearly vacation and sick days, eligible employees enjoy 13 paid holidays and closings each year.

UT System employees have access to family-care benefits, including six weeks of paid parental leave and tuition discounts for family members at all public universities in Tennessee.

Mental and emotional health challenges can leave employees vulnerable to added stress and uncertainty in life. However, the UT System is proud to offer free and confidential assistance through the UT Employee Assistance Program (EAP). The EAP helps employees and their families resolve problems that influence their personal lives or job performance. Spouses and dependent children of employees also qualify for EAP benefits.

Additionally, the UT System holds partnerships with several national companies–ranging from florists to theme parks to phone companies–which allow employees to enjoy statewide discounts.

To be a member of the UT System is to be a part of a work family that spans the state, and the system works diligently to ensure that it remains an environment employees seek to return to year after year.

A comprehensive list of employee benefits can be found on the UTHR website, hr.tennessee.edu.