Annual performance reviews are a key component of employee development. Annual reviews provide all regular University staff and their supervisors an opportunity to:

  • Discuss job performance
  • Set goals for professional development
  • Establish objectives for contributing to the department’s mission
  • Discuss expectations and accomplishments

When setting goals and having performance discussions, you are encouraged to be mindful of inclusion, diversity, and equity.  Discuss the expectation of treating others with fairness, dignity, and respect to foster an inclusive environment that supports and is appreciative of individual and group differences.  All employees are encouraged to contribute to the overall university diversity strategic goals by making efforts to enhance inclusion, diversity, and equity in the workplace.

All campuses and institutes evaluate staff performance based on the calendar year (January through December) and conduct and submit reviews between January and March for the previous year.

New Information Coming Soon

As we transition to a new program in DASH, our team will be providing updates in the next few weeks.

View Updates


Performance Review FAQ’s (PDF)
Inclusion, Diversity, and Engagement FAQs (PDF)

If you need additional assistance, please contact your local human resources office: