In 2018, the wellness program will be voluntary. The Partnership Promise will go away and will no longer be part of any health plan. This means that members will not be required to complete any wellness program activities.
However, members and enrolled spouses can get cash rewards for participating in the voluntary wellness program. You can get money deposited through payroll by completing certain activities and programs.
Regardless of the health plan you choose, members and enrolled spouses will first complete two requirements that may make them eligible for other programs. These requirements are:
- Health risk assessment (online questionnaire)
- Biometric screening
After completing these two requirements, you will receive a cash deposit into your paycheck. Then, you’ll find out if you qualify for other rewards and programs. Members and enrolled spouses who qualify can also get cash rewards for completing one or more programs. These additional programs could include:
- Weight loss/weight management program
- Tobacco cessation program
- Wellness counseling (diet, stress, exercise, etc.)
- Disease management program
- Diabetes prevention program (DPP)
The new voluntary wellness program begins Jan. 1, 2018. All eligible members and spouses will receive more information on how to qualify for cash rewards in the mail from the wellness vendor.
Tags: Biometric Screening, Counseling, Health Insurance, Tobacco Cessation