Health Coaching Helps Maintain Commitment and Focus
Mary Askew tries to eat right and stay active. She visits the doctor on a regular basis and quit smoking six years ago. But her health coach through the Partnership Promise keeps her focused on daily health maintenance.
Askew is a diabetic and her coach, Peggy, calls to hear about her doctors appointments and gives her tips to manage her diabetes.
“I find the coaching helpful because she explains things to me,” said Askew, business manager with the UT Health Science Center Police Department. “Peggy told me why my blood sugar was a little high in the morning and some things to eat that should bring it down.”
Askew knows health coaching hasn’t been a positive experience for everyone, but the extra help and advice encourages her to focus on her health daily.
Persistence Pays Of
This year, Brett Ward received conflicting information about his wife’s status with the Partnership Promise program. It took emails, phone calls and a few rounds with the voicemail system to have the matter successfully resolved.
“When I finally got to the right person, they were very helpful,” said Ward, a consultant with the UT Institute for Public Service’s Municipal Technical Advisory Service.
For employees in similar situations, Ward explained persistence is the key to getting the help you need.
Tags: Employee, Health