The UT System Payroll, Benefits and Retirement Office is proud to serve statewide employees of the University of Tennessee. The mission state of the payroll team is to pay employees and vendors in a timely, efficient way so that employees can concentrate on performing their duties of instruction, research and public service for the state of Tennessee. The mission of the benefits and retirement team is to educate, enroll and manage employee benefits in a friendly, efficient way, thus, making the University of Tennessee the employer of choice. We accomplish our mission by working with offices throughout the state and enjoy working with our colleagues in the UT System and on the campuses and institutes.
Get to Know Payroll, Benefits and Retirement
Rob Chance, Executive Director
I started in the Controller’s Office in 1992, and moved to payroll, benefits and retirement in 1995. As the child of a UTK professor, I grew up around the UT System and love supporting the university’s mission of educating college students.
Pam Quick, Associate Director
I started in payroll, benefits and enrollment in 2006. I love that we can work well together as a team to pay employees statewide.
Marchelle Robinson, Assistant Director
I started in payroll, benefits and retirement in 2016. The best part of working for the University of Tennessee System is the opportunity to serve employees with their insurance and retirement benefits.
Alyssa Adorati, Assistant Director
I started in the UTK Bursar’s Office in 2014, and moved to payroll, benefits and retirement in 2015. What I enjoy most about working for the UT System is getting to know and work with other employees across the whole state.
Pam Christenberry, Benefits Coordinator
I started in payroll, benefits and retirement in 2016. I enjoy helping a diverse population of employees across the state with insurance needs. It is very rewarding to service these employees, from all over the world, through their life situations, both joyous and sad.
Kelli Corona, Accounting Specialist
I started in payroll in 2019. I love the new offices and being downtown.
Angie Evans, Administrative Coordinator
I started in payroll, benefits and retirement in 2015. What I love the most are my coworkers and the people I get to meet.
Barbara Fields, Benefits Coordinator
I started in payroll, benefits and retirement in 2016. I enjoy the flexibility working in the systems office, which allows me to work from home and in the new UT Tower in downtown Knoxville.
Leslie Garner, Accounting Specialist
I started in payroll, benefits and retirement in 1999. I love meeting people and learning about other cultures outside of my normal circle. My position with the Payroll and Benefits Office allows me the opportunity to do just that without ever leaving the country.
Ashley Greene, Benefits Coordinator
I started with UT Medical Center in 2016, and moved to payroll, benefits and retirement in 2018. What I love most about working at UT is the great people I get to work with.
Morgan Lane, Accounting Specialist
I started with payroll, benefits and retirement in 2019. I like working downtown and with everyone in our department.
Rebecca Medovich
I started with payroll, benefits and retirement in 2022. I love how everyone has been so friendly to me and how welcoming the environment has been. I appreciate the emails and personal contacts that I have received as I start my job with UTSA.
Wanda Plankey, Benefits Coordinator
I started with payroll, benefits and retirement in 2011. I enjoy the opportunity to continue to work from home and in the brand-new building with a beautiful view.
Gina Walkowiak, Payroll Assistant
I started with UTK Human Resources in 2014, and moved to payroll, benefits and retirement in 2017. What I love most about working for the UT System is definitely the views and the look of our office. I also really love being able to work from home a couple days a week.
Tags: UT System Human Resources