Effective June 30, 2015, the pay grade minimums for all regular staff salary schedules will be updated based on a market analysis. As a result, approximately 153 employees will receive pay increases because their current salaries fall below the new minimums.
Managers will be able to notify employees receiving pay increases by the end of June, and increases will be included in July paychecks.
The increases were recommended by UT’s Compensation Advisory Board (CAB) and are part of UT’s ongoing work to address market gaps statewide.
Other recent recommendations by CAB include the increase in UT’s minimum starting pay rate to $9.50 an hour, which took effect June 30, 2014, and the compensation and performance management training all supervisors were required to attend last year.
Visit the Compensation Advisory Board website to learn more. Current salary schedules are available and will be updated to reflect the new minimums by the end of June.
Tags: Salary