For Your Benefit – Spring 2020

UTHSC Diversity Conference
The UT Health Science Center hosted its second Diversity Certificate Conference, which seeks to foster and sustain the diversity of its faculty, staff, students and administration through recruitment, development, support and mentorship of those groups within the entire institution.
Also In the Spring 2020 Issue:

Dear UT System Employees
It has been nearly five months since I joined the team in January 2020. This time has been both exciting and tumultuous with the arrival of all things COVID-19. This global pandemic has truly tested our endurance as a UT System, and I am happy to report a passing grade for our ability to pull together and navigate these uncharted waters as a leadership team across the UT System.

UTHSC Diversity Certificate Conference
This conference also offers an opportunity for participants to gain knowledge and understanding of current industry “best practices” in regard to diversity and inclusion that they can then implement and share. The conference includes six core courses and three electives. The core courses included Diversity and Inclusion Literacy, Management Supervision: What’s Law Got to Do with It?, Conflict Resolution, Practicing Cultural Humility and more.

Unity Circle Dedicated in Honor of Divine Nine
Traditionally African American fraternities and sororities have made notable contributions to UT Martin student life. These organizations, known as the Divine Nine, were honored during 2019 Homecoming with the dedication of the National Pan-Hellenic Council Greek Garden at Unity Circle. The Unity Circle features nine plaques in honor of each fraternity and sorority, all of which are represented at UT Martin.

New Programs Equip University Leaders to Build Culture of Belonging
For the past eight months, the UT Knoxville’s Human Resources, in collaboration with the Office of Diversity and Engagement, has conducted two new diversity programs for leaders, both employing a new assessment tool. The first new program, the Inclusive Leadership Academy, seeks to embody UT’s mission, vision and values while reinforcing the leadership behaviors that are essential for advancing diversity and inclusion.
MOC Forward at UTC
Every October, UTC faculty and staff spend a day engaging through workshops, presentations and discussions focused on diversity and inclusion. Launched in 2017, the event enables the UTC community to understand more fully the diversity around them and to take advantage of it for the benefit of the campus and surrounding communities.

IPS Employees Participate in Diversity Workshop
In late 2019, a select group of Institute for Public Service employees, as well as employees from UT Knoxville human resources and Office of Diversity and Engagement, UT Health Science Center Office of Equity and Diversity, and the UT Institute of Agriculture, participated in the Opening Doors diversity workshop.

UT Extension Coming Together for Racial Understanding Training
“Coming Together for Racial Understanding” is a national curriculum that was designed to equip Extension employees to help their communities engage in civil dialogues around racial issues. UT Extension sent staff to the national training and decided to utilize this new information to focus internally on extension employees, provide professional development that would foster higher levels of cultural competency and build capacity for engaging in dialogue around issues of diversity.

Human Resources Spotlight
Read about your Human Resource Officers from each campus and institute.
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Maintaining an Engaged Workforce Amid Covid-19 at the UT System
Higher education institutions have taken unprecedented actions during the last several weeks in response to the COVID-19 crisis.
Health Insurance
Premium-Free Holiday
The University of Tennessee participates in the state of Tennessee group health insurance plan. At the Jan. 24 meeting, the State Insurance Committee, which governs the plan, approved a medical premium holiday for May 2020.