Progress Update: 2014 Employee Engagement Survey

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Almost a year has passed since the November 2014 employee engagement survey, but hardly a week goes by that Mary Lucal isn’t thinking about your feedback.

She’s one of more than 50 staff and faculty members serving on work culture improvement teams at each campus and institute tasked with recommending new
approaches, programs and ideas based on survey results.

“It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the responsibility of making meaningful progress,” said Lucal, associate vice chancellor for human resources at UT Knoxville. “But it’s an honor to contribute to building a better workplace.”

Focus areas for each campus and institute vary depending on unit-specific results and priorities. Diversity, productivity, transparency, communication, compensation and training are some of the areas teams hope to impact.

A few examples of initiatives being discussed by campuses and institutes include:

  • Communication workshops for middle managers
  • Increased visibility of shared governance opportunities
  • Establishing networks of preferred child care providers, surveying demand and recommending initiatives based on feedback
  • Exploring options for more informal campus communication
  • Evaluating the orientation process for new faculty members
  • Increasing engagement with community festivals and diversity related organizations

Learn more about progress at your campus or institute by contacting your team lead or human resources office. Team leads are listed on the survey website

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