UT Leaders Lighting the Way

The UT Leadership Institute recognizes and trains leaders within the University to develop their skills and understanding of leadership’s role in higher education.

Similar to the academic rigor that produces top-notch researchers at the University, the institute provides a research-based foundation for UT administrators to be leadership experts. Participants practice leadership skills in a hands-on, experiential learning setting.

Formed in 1981, the institute has graduated more than 1000 participants and has a lengthy list of accomplished alumni from around the state. Administrative leaders of each UT campus and institute nominate UT’s most promising employees for the Institute, which is held every other year. The UT president selects the final 40 to 50 participants. Good candidates include those who have a proven record of success and demonstrated the ability to manage and mentor others.

During the institute, during intensive small group and large group sessions, participants cover topics such as personal leadership characteristics and styles, organization dynamics and campus culture and issues surrounding higher education.


Nomination and Selection Process

UT’s Leadership Institute is designed for the University’s academic and administrative leaders, and participation is limited to 40 participants per Institute.

Campus and institute leaders and Leadership Institute alumni and facilitators make initial nominations for consideration and final selection by the UT president.

Good candidates include those with a demonstrated ability to manage, mentor, and grow others and a proven track record of success at the University.

Institute facilitators make up the core of a group that meets several times a year to plan the next Institute. These facilitators rely on both proven research and experiential learning techniques to create a unique learning experience unlike any other in higher education.

It truly is an honor to be selected to participate in the Leadership Institute.